Benefits of mint leaves for weight loss

Publish date: 2024-06-18

This herb has a unique soothing effect that helps people who are often stressed and have sleep problems. Also, there are many benefits of mint leaves for weight loss that have been outlined for you in the you in our post below.

Health benefit of mint leaf

To understand why mint leave is so unique, let's consider what useful substances it contains:

Considering the fact that mint leaves for weight loss are used up to 4-5 times a day it is important to know about the low caloric content of the plant - only 50-70 calories in 100 g. The number of calories depends on the type of mint (fresh/dried).

Regular use of infusions with mint will not only help to reduce weight but also will have a positive effect on overall health. Consider how useful this plant is:

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Mint leaves benefits for weight loss

Mint was used for weight loss for a long time, but relatively recently the scientists were able to explain the mechanism of its action. The fact is that this plant contributes to a decrease in appetite. If you drink tea or a drink with mint one hour before the main meal, you will not eat more than necessary to satisfy hunger. Thanks to this, the calorie content of daily food intake decreases and, as a result, you lose extra pounds.

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Another property of mint indirectly helping to reduce weight is its calming effect on the nervous system. It has long been proven that when a person is in a stressful state this increases the concentration of the hormone cortisol in the blood, leads to a slowing of metabolism and an increase in appetite. Due to these two factors, weight accumulation occurs.

To assimilate the mint drink better, it is recommended to consume it in a warm form, slowly, in small sips.

It is not necessary to drink always a pure mint drink to say goodbye to being overweight. You can make tea with ginger and mint or prepare lemonade with lemon, cucumber, and mint. Next, we will consider the most popular recipes with mint that can help you to lose weight.

The best recipes

Each of these options will grant you a wonderful taste and a slender figure:

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Mint oil for weight loss

You should prepare 1 glass of base or sunflower refined oil, 1 bunch of fresh mint.

Heat the oil to 160 degrees. Add the sliced mint and pour hot oil into the glass container. This mixture is kept sealed in the dark for one month. Then it should be decanted. That's all, the oil is ready. Keep refrigerated. The expiry date is one year.

How to use such oil for weight loss? Very simple: drip 1-2 drops under the tongue or on a calcium tablet, or add to 1/2 teaspoon of honey and gradually dissolve it in your mouth. This procedure should be done ten days three times a day.

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Even the smell of mint can contribute to weight loss thanks to its ability to reduce appetite. Mint aromatic oil should be dropped on a handkerchief or wrist and inhaled every couple of hours during the day. It's quite an effective method. The volume of consumed calories is reduced by about a third.

Bath with mint essential oil

Add 12-15 drops of essential oil to a warm bath. Take a bath for 15-20 minutes. This will help to reduce muscle tension, and oil vapors will help to calm a headache and nervous system.

Bath with mint decoction

Take 2 liters of water, bring to a boil, put there 20 leaves of mint and boil for 10 minutes. Filter the decoction and pour into the bath. Take a procedure from 15 to 20 minutes. Mint baths significantly improve the condition of the skin and help fight cellulite.


Despite the fact that mint has a beneficial effect on health, there are contraindications to its use:

Any herbs can have a bad effect on the body in case you consume them too much. If you drink too much mint tea then this can cause:

For sure, it's possible to say only one thing: you will not get rid of 3-4 kilograms per week if you rely only on benefits of mint leaves for weight loss. You still need to add a diet and exercise. In a complex, they will give a good result.

Drink mint tea regularly but do not overdo. At any time, herbal teas can replace usual black/green tea or coffee. These drinks are psychostimulants. Excessive consumption of caffeine or being in a constant state of stress, nervousness can reduce the results of the diet to zero and even cause the addition of kilograms. Mint will help you to cope with these problems easily.

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