How to check GCE result on phone
So, you finally managed to pass such an important exam as GCE. It’s naturally, that you are very interested in topic “what’s my GCE result?”. Sometimes there are situations when the access to a computer or laptop is simply missing and then the most accessible way to find out your result is a mobile phone. It is always at your hand and the process of checking the result will literally take you a few minutes.
So how to check my GCE result on my phone? The point is that the process of checking your result using the mobile phone or smartphone is not complicated. In today's article, we'll look at the result verification option, which helps to find out the result in just two minutes after sending the request. The result is displayed accordingly on the screen of your mobile device.
All that you need is to follow the guidelines closely and write a certain combination. You will need to enter the combination on your mobile device and send SMS directly to WAEC.
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Write the following combination as it shown on a picture below:
In the line “Receiver” it is necessary to enter the following information:
- 32327 and then click send.
- In general, your message will look something like this:
- WAEC*8912015783*5643210789*2018
- And then enter the recipient's number in the line "Recipient"
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The main point, you should pay a special attention is that you need to clearly type the combination that was mentioned above. Remember that there should be no spaces between letters and numbers, everything is written together! Otherwise, the results that you expect will not be available.
Sending this request SMS is not free and it will cost you about N30. If you entered all the information correctly, the SMS with the result will be received as soon as your request is processed, usually it is no longer than 2 minutes.
According to the information published by WAEC, the passing of the exam will take place in several stages starting from 2018. The first stage of examination is planned for the period from January to February 2018. The second stage of the examination will be held from August to October 2018.
The WAEC also noted that in the first stage of passing the exams, is intended mostly for urban residents.
This year WAEC also drew a special attention to the problem of obtaining education among prison inmates. That is why WAEC announced its plans to conclude partnership agreements with interested parties and thereby to open access to passing exams and for prisoners.
Such a decision on the statements of the head of WAEC, will help in the development of education among prisoners, and also increase their chances of getting work in the aftermath.
GCE result checker mobile app
There is also another way to check the results with your mobile phone. For this purpose, a special mobile application was developed. This application is a tool for verifying the results of the GCE. At the moment, the application is valid only for residents of Nigeria, Ghana, Sierra Leone and the Gambia.
This application is a so-called mobile platform, through which each of the WAEC examiners can learn about their results. This concerns both to students who have officially passed exams at school, and candidates who passed the exam privately.
The results that you can get with this application are absolutely accurate and official, which is easy to verify by getting your results online on the web. In order to get results, you need to enter the following data in the application:
Examin. Numb./Examin. Year/Examin. Type/Result Checker Ser. Numb./Res. Checker Pin
Well, here you have learned how to check GCE result and now you can do it at any convenient time. However, it should also be noted that the above verification procedure has certain limitations. The fact is that with the help of your mobile phone number, you will be able to make only 5 requests for the GCE result. As soon as you run out of these 5 attempts, you will need to insert another sim card into the phone, and then you can make 5 queries in WAEC again.
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